Faith or Bust: India

We're a group of guys tired of being told to be normal. We can't be normal, we're Christians. And we're called to live our faith out loud. WE're going to live our lives Faith or Bust.

This summer we're heading to India to serve the poor and dying!

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hurt knee and Hot tea

So somehow yesterday I hurt my right knee to the point that I can't bend it more than 95degrees without a severe pain... It was at Kalighat that I hurt it, but I can't recall exactly what happened. I'm hoping it will get better with time (I think it will). Last night was another Taize prayer meeting, though this time at the Motherhouse (last time when I gave my testimony it was at a college).

And because of my knee, I had to sit on a bench, which was very distracting, because the benches are farther from seeing the monstrance and from hearing the sisters. So I did my best to keep up with evening prayer, and then Taize prayer (in toto circa 1.5 hrs) But I realised while praying the part that body position has to play in prayer. Without being able to sit comfortably or shift my position I was continuously distracted by various small things. The dirt that builds up under my nails in record time and the dirt that builds up on your skin were favourite spots of my attention. They're still astounding to me, that you could take a shower and within a few minutes if you scratch your skin, you'll find that you've become dirty... the pollution is amazing.

Oreintation yesterday went well... I'm still learning about all the centers, so it's hard for me to answer specific questions, but I do my best and I try to find out answers as I'm asked... I feel very incompetent but also I'm answering a need that I'm happy and honored to fill.

Today I hoped to get to morning prayer, but I slept through my alarm, and when I discovered what time it was, I decided to take the morning off, since being exhausted is not the name of the game... and with a hurt knee, maybe its a clue that I need some more rest. I think I'll take tuesdays off more frequently... though maybe I'll work in the afternoons.

A Chai tea man

A very odd cultural thing in India that I'm slowly adapting to is drinking Chai... usually served between the temperatures of extremely hot and boiling, Indians drink it 24-7. It's supposedly suposed to help with the heat... and slowy I'm beggining to crave the sweet hot tea when I'm sweating. If you go to a shop like the one above you get the added fun of getting to smash the small clay pot when you're done... they aren't glazed so you can't clean them.


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