Faith or Bust: India

We're a group of guys tired of being told to be normal. We can't be normal, we're Christians. And we're called to live our faith out loud. WE're going to live our lives Faith or Bust.

This summer we're heading to India to serve the poor and dying!

Donate to Faith or Bust!

Friday, August 04, 2006

So completely not needed...

Yup, that's right, that would be me.

There are so many fresh volunteers, that by the time I get up to do something, it's already done... so I end up sitting with the patients, who generally sit in quiet since they can't understand me, and I can only understand about 10 useful phrases.

The interesting thing is that one of the Sisters thinks I have an Iron deficiency or maybe TB (random speculation, not medical speculation from what I can tell)... she suggested such after she saw me and thought I was very pale (I've been told increasingly over the last few months how sickly I look).

So, in part due to my sister's request to heed advice, I'm going to get a full blood test... probably Saturday if they're open (at a place recommended and used by the MCs).

Luckily despite my uselessness and sickness, Hetti and I make one mean Cat trap...


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