Faith or Bust: India

We're a group of guys tired of being told to be normal. We can't be normal, we're Christians. And we're called to live our faith out loud. WE're going to live our lives Faith or Bust.

This summer we're heading to India to serve the poor and dying!

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006


So I was grabbing my gut at Kalighat today (I've had mild problems with my intestines lately, nothing horrible enough that I thought it important, but a doctor that works at Kalighat saw me and started asking me questions... then he told me to pickup some electral and norflox tx. (Take three Norflox, one each day for the next three.) The norflox is apparently (I think I understood him) an antiseptic, antibiotic and etc. That will kill practically anything that could be attacking my intestine... (parasite, bacteria, infections of other sorts). I'm not sure if I understood right, but I plan to investigate more. It was 65rps for 10 pills. The electral was 11.5 rp a packet (I got two) and one packet fills one liter. (it's an electrolyte solution that is "based on W.H.O. Formula." Which if it is, I can make it much cheaper, since the who formula is sugar, baking powder, and salt. (I can even add my own flavouring).

The doctor thought it was very important to get rid of this now... so I'm going to. :-)

Edit... more info on WHO Formula

RECIPE A household method of meeting the WHO Formula according to the booklet I put together (I don't know where I culled the info from):
1 liter water ("obviously, this should be disinfected")
10 g (2 teaspoons) sugar
2.5 gr (.5 teaspoon) salt
2.5 gr (.5 teaspoon) baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)

New recommendations from the official WHO website...

Sodium chloride


Glucose, anhydrous


Potassium chloride


Trisodium citrate, dihydrate


What is ORT? from (
ORT is the giving of fluid by mouth to prevent and/or correct the dehydration that is a result of diarrhoea. As soon as diarrhoea begins, treatment using home remedies to prevent dehydration must be started. If adults or children have not been given extra drinks, or if in spite of this dehydration does occur, they must be treated with a special drink made with oral rehydration salts (ORS). The formula for ORS recommended by WHO and UNICEF contains:
  • 3.5 gms sodium chloride
  • 2.9 gms trisodium citrate dihydrate (or 2.5 gms sodium bicarbonate)
  • 1.5 gms potassium chloride
  • 20 gms glucose (anhydrous)

The above ingredients are dissolved in one litre of clean water. WHO has recently recommended a change in the complete formula, replacing 2.5 gms of sodium bicarbonate with 2.9 gms of trisodium citrate dihydrate. The new formula gives the packets a longer shelf life and is at least as effective in correcting acidosis and reducing stool volume. Packets containing sodium bicarbonate are still safe and effective.

Something really interesting:

Can the solution be made with dirty water?
The benefits of fluid replacement in diarrhoea far outweigh the risks of using contaminated water to make up oral rehydration solution. In situations where it is difficult to boil water, mothers are advised to use the cleanest water possible.


At 2:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

nice blog:)


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