Faith or Bust: India

We're a group of guys tired of being told to be normal. We can't be normal, we're Christians. And we're called to live our faith out loud. WE're going to live our lives Faith or Bust.

This summer we're heading to India to serve the poor and dying!

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Monday, December 01, 2008

Yo momma!

Yo momma!

Oh! and one last thing about Goa... while in Bangalore, I discovered that Myron is more American than he looks, and he loves a good "yo momma" joke. But while in Goa, we discovered a tv show on VH1 that is a "Yo momma" joke competition.

But I also discovered, that even though I find great comfort in a traditional American art form, and I enjoy it's performance and wittiness, I also find it lacks an edifying element.

So one night after watching the show, which demonstrated some very clever talent, I was praying and was inspired to use this art form to edify others instead of insult them.

So I wrote some Catholic "yo momma" jokes.

Why can't we claim non-Christian art forms like the early Christians did, and evangelise and edify with them?
Your Momma's so sweet, that if she was named Marah (hebrew for bitter) They'd change it's meaning.

Your Momma's so beautiful that she makes the Venus Di Milo look like sin!

Your Momma's so holy that the Bible crosses itself when she picks it up!

Your Momma trusts so much in the Lord's Mercy that she makes St. Faustina (Divine Mercy) look like a Fire and Brimstone Preacher!

Your Momma's so loving, that God uses her as an example when He convert's sinners.

Your Momma's so diligent that she makes Ruth look like Rip van Winkle!

Your Momma's so prayerful, that the Pope calls her with his prayer requests!

I know they lack the "sting" of the traditional Yo momma's, but I'm trying to start a new art form, and it's always rough in the beginning. Anyone else want to join the revolution?



At 7:31 AM, Blogger Jen-n-Jac said...

h-m-m-m-m v-e-r-y i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g

You're definitely not the same kid I grew up with. :p

I think I'll leave the "good" yo momma jokes to you and I'll stick to being entertained with the not-so-nice ones. Good luck with your movement. Love you. :)

At 12:22 AM, Blogger michelle said...

Yo Mama is so buff she crushed the head of a snake with her pinky toe.

Yo Mama is so big her footstool is the earth.


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