Faith or Bust: India

We're a group of guys tired of being told to be normal. We can't be normal, we're Christians. And we're called to live our faith out loud. WE're going to live our lives Faith or Bust.

This summer we're heading to India to serve the poor and dying!

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Experiences (May 18th, 2006 Update from Edward)

It's so crazy here...
15 rp for a drink
30 for a dinner...
where else can two cokes equal a meal in cost?

they have cheap internet everywhere (mostly around 15rp so for three hours 1$)

I'm working at Kalighat(the house of the dying) and it's amazing and beautiful.

The first day I was there, I stumbled across #44, a man who's name I don't know and perhaps no one knows... his body is contorted and deformed by some disease. no one else needed help, so I sat with him. I don't speak his language. Nor does he. He understands Hindi, but can not speak. so I just sat. caressing his arm. his face. looking into his eyes as he looked back.

we sat smiling at eachother. me knowing that I could never know what he needs, and all I could ever offer is an attempt at comforting. me seeing his beautiful face light up and smile back.

I sat for quite awhile with him.

I once heard someone describe prayer (perhaps mother theresa or some other saint) as when they sit with God and smile. What does God do? they were asked. "Smile back."

#44 remembered me when I returned for the afternoon shift embracing my arm with his. smiling gleefully.

I'll never forget it.

He has maybe one month to live. I'm here for three.

That night during adoration, I sat looking at Christ hidden in the Mystery of the Eucharist, and saw #44 smiling. All I could do was smile.

I did adoration and evening prayer at Kalighat that night (tuesday). and it was good to be praying the liturgy of the hours with more than one other person (I still love you Brendan, but I think you agree how much more amazing it is when others are there in the same prayer life as we are.)

Last night and tonight I'm went/am going to the mother house for prayer... its much harder there since the road the windows open up to is enourmously loud... from 10 meters you can't here them praying at times. But tonight we are meeting with some people and then heading out for dinner and later a beer. Before sleep around 930 (I wake up at 430am everyday.) (Yes I'm sure my mom would faint, as would most of you who know my sleep patterns this past year... but as I've told you many times, I adjust my sleep to my lifestyle... unless I can adjust my lifestyle to my sleep)

Today we went to the leper colony. and on the way took the train.

After getting off, we were stuck on an island between 6 tracks waiting for when it was safe to cross to one side.

There was a woman sleeping on the ground in an odd position and an orange-red fluid was surrounding her. She didn't move and the fluid slowly crept. her arms and legs in positions unnatural. The orange-red shined in the light. As if blood was mixed with the Indian dust, or curry. She had been hanging on to the train trying to get in as it pulled away, only to be told by a pole that she was staying.

There are so many experiences I've had that I can't even remember. And so many I've written in my journal or photographed.

With love from Calcutta.


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